Other Service and Opportunities

Life Skill Development is an important programming component at Metro Work Center. The recreational "clubs" help meet many life skill goals. General health and hygiene activities are reviewed and taught regularly as part of the Men's Club, Women's Club, and Health and Fitness Club. The club structure also supports the development of communication skills and appropriate social interaction processes. Cooking, cleaning and transportation skills are also addressed, to help maximize independence for our adult consumers.

Programming Flexibility is often key to meeting individual goals. Not all participants attend our program on a five-day per week basis. For some individuals, participating two, three or four days per week meets their needs. Some prefer only the recreation programming option. They may consider themselves retired from work and are looking for a slower pace yet want to remain socially involved.

Transportation to and from Metro Work Center is provided by Metro Mobility. Whenever possible, we take advantage of public transit for community activities, recreation activities, and for travel to and from work. Individuals use their own bus card select their own seat and, with staff assistance, enter and exit the vehicle as independently as possible. All public transit rides are staff supervised. Many of the bus drivers have befriended our riders and inquire about vacations and work days, while offering friendly assistance.